Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Amol Pundalik Manake
Designation : Asst.Professor
Department : Chemistry
Mob. No.: 9960360577
Email Id : [email protected]

Personal Information :

Full Name
: Dr. Amol Pundalik Manake

: Plot No. 16, Vrundavan Nagar, Dheku Road, Amalner Tal-Amalner Dist-Jalgaon Pin-425401

Contact No.
: 9960360577


Name of the Department
: Chemistry

Subject of University Approval (If any)

University Approval Letter No. and Date

Educational Qualifications :

Qualifications Year Of Passing University/Board/Institute Percentage/Grade
SET 2010 University of Pune, Pune Qualified
SSC 2001 Nasik 77.33
Additional Qualification 2003 MPKV, Rahuri 72.66 %
HSC 2005 Nasik 67.33 %
Chemistry 2008 KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon 72.77
Organic Chemistry 2010 KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon 74.75 %

Research Degree(s)

Degree Title University Date of award
Ph.D. Green chemical approach for synthesis of some useful heterocyclic compounds and their biological evaluation KBCNMU, Jalgaon 2021-09-20

Appointments held prior to joining this institution:

Sr.No. Designation Name of Employer DOJ - DOL
1 Assistant Professor Pratap College Amalner Feb 2012 - Currently Working

Posts held after appointment at this institution :

Designation Department Date From - To Salary and Grade

Period of teaching experience:

Area of Specialization: Chemistry

Administrative or other experiences as on Statutory/non statutory Bodies:

Sr.No. Designation Name of the Organization DOJ - DOL Period

Orientation / Refresher Courses attended:

Sr.No. Name of the Course Place Date and Duration Grade Sponsored by
1 Orientation Programme In Chemistry Academic Staff College, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab 2014-06-09 to 2014-07-07 A UGC
2 Refresher Course in Chemistry Academic Staff College, University of Lucknow, Lucknow. (U.P.) 2018-01-01 to 2018-01-23 A UGC-HRDC
3 Two weeks FDP on Managing Online Classes and Co-creating MOOCs:2.0 Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi Sponsored by Ministry of HRDC Pandi 2020-05-18 to 2020-06-03 A UGC-HRDC
4 UGC sponsored Two- weeks Interdisciplinary Refresher Course on Advanced Instrumentation Techniques ( Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar 2022-02-07 to 2022-02-19 A UGC-HRDC
5 UGC sponsored Short term course on Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Start-ups UGC-MMTTC, Goa University, Goa 2024-03-14 to 2024-03-20 A UGC-MMTTC
6 Short Term Training Programme on Disaster Management UGC-MMTTC, Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttarakhand 2024-10-03 to 2024-10-09 A UGC-MMTTC

Research Project Details:

Sr.No. Name of the Project Principal Investigator Funding Agency Amount Year and Duration Status
1 Comparative study of conventional and ultrasound methods for synthesis of potent heterocyclic compounds and it’s biological evaluation Amol Pundalik Manake RUSA 2,50,000 2023 Ongoing

Number of Students supervised and awarded M.Phil.

Sr.No. Name of the Student Name of University Topic of research Status

Number of Students supervised and awarded Ph.D.

Sr.No. Name of the Student Name of University Topic of research Status
1 Pritam Y. Borse
KBC NMU Jalgaon Working
2 Dhanashri J. Kashyap
KBC NMU Jalgaon Working

Error preparing statement:

Details of Conference / Symposium / Workshop Attended/Session Chaired:

Sr.No. Title of Conference / Symposium /Workshop Place Level Attended/Session Chaired Date/s
1 Workshop on syllabus restructuring of MSc Organic Chemistry SSVPS College Dhule State Attended 12th March 2018
2 One day workshop on Filing AQAR under new NAAC process B. K. Shroff College of Arts & M.H.Shroff College National Attended 28th June 2019
3 International conference on Functional materials and Simulation Techniques (ICMFT-2019) Chandigarh University and University of Mauritius International Presented 7th and 8th June 2019
4 31st National conference of MSCA of Pratap College Amalner Pratap College Amalner National Attended 18th & 19th January 2020
5 Workshop on syllabus restructuring of TYBSc Chemistry Dr. Annasaheb G. D. Bendale MAhila Mahavidyalaya, State Attended
6 Workshop on syllabus restructuring of MSc Organic Chemistry SSVPS College Dhule State Attended 18th June 2022

Details of Conference / Symposium / Workshop Organized:

Sr.No. Title of Conference / Symposium / Workshop Place Level Date/s
1 National Conference on Innovative and Sustainable Chemistry (NCISC-2023) School of Chemical sciences, Pratap College (Auton National 27 October 2023

Research Paper presented in Conference / Symposium / Workshop:

No Title Place Level Dates and Duration

Paper published in International/National conference Proceeding

No Title of conference Symposium Title of the Paper Level Year

Research Paper Published in Journal (Peer reviewed):

  1. Mr. A. P. Manake, Mr. S.S.Palkhe, Mr.T.V.Rajale & Dr. S. R. Patil. "A Green Chemical Approach: for Synthesis of Substituted Chromenes via Three- Component Reaction By Using Various Catalyst" RESEARCH JOURNEY, Vol. , Issue 20, ISSN: 2348-7143 (2017). [National]
  2. A. P. Manake1 and S. R. Patil*2. "A Green Chemical Approach: For An Ultrasound Assisted Synthesis Of Substituted Chromenes Via Three-Component Reaction By Using Inorganic Double Salt As A Catalyst." International Journal Of Current Engineering And Scientific Research (IJCESR), Vol. 6, Issue 1, ISSN: ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697 (2019). [National]
  3. A. P. Manake, S. R. Patil, and A. A. Patil. "An ultrasound and microwave assisted benign synthesis of 2-amino-4-aryl-7-hydroxy-4h-chromene-3-carbonitriles over harsh conventional method" AIP Conference Proceedings , Vol. 2100, Issue 1, ISSN: (2019). [National] (
  4. A. A. Patil, S. R. Patil, and A. P. Manake. "Synthesis of s-triazine derivative using ultrasonication and its antibacterial activity" AIP Conference Proceedings , Vol. 2100, Issue 1, ISSN: (2019). [National]
  5. A.P. Manake, S.R. Patil, Vikas Patil. "Ultrasonic synthesis of substituted chromenes by utilizing potassium titanium oxalate" Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier), Vol. , Issue , ISSN: (2020). [National]

Book Publications:

Sr.No. Title of the book Name of Publisher International Standard Book Number (ISBN) Year of publication
1 Polymer Chemistry Vrinda Publication ISBN 978-93-88834-79 2021

Awards Received :

Sr.No. Name of Award Name of Organization Level Date and Duration

Fellowship Received :

Sr.No. Type of Fellowship Name of Organization Purpose Date and Duration

Countries Visited :

Sr.No. Name of Institute/University/Organization Purpose to Visit Venue Date and Duration

Membership of Agencies:

Sr.No. Membership of Editorial Boards on Position Duration

Linkage/MoUs :

Sr. No. Name of the organization Linkage/MoU Purpose Period

: Amalner

: 27/12/2024